Select an Image or scroll down to learn exactly why truly is the best

Reusable woodenware

Instead of nuc boxes made from cardboard, disposable wood, or plastic, consider this:

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Wise beekeepers take advantage of our reusable nucs as a permanent part of their beekeeping operation

  • Splits – Use your existing hive(s) to make more colonies!  Full-size hives are a poor environment to make a split because there aren't enough bees to guard the hive against pests (especially small hive beetles and wax moths), or against other colonies that might 'rob' the hive of all resources and cause it to die.

  • Swarms – One of the joys of spring & summer is attracting and capturing honeybee swarms to boost your number of colonies!  Swarms typically aren't large-enough to put in a full-size hive (same reasons as above).

  • Save a weakened colony – Sometimes, despite our best efforts, a colony doesn’t thrive like we expect, and moving a colony back into a nuc can help save and revive it (perhaps even replacing the queen) before going back into a full-size box.

  • Recover from 'disaster' – A queenless hive will not survive, so wise beekeepers keep a nuc going simply as a back-up should one of their other hive lose a queen that swarmed, absconded, or was killed.

  • Manage populations of your main hive(s) – Bees from a nuc can be used to supplement a weak hive or remove excess bees that would cause the main hive to swarm (done correctly, these 'surplus' bees can also be used to start another complete colony!)

  • Sidenote: Whenever a colony or part of a colony is moved into a new box or moved to a new location, it's highly recommended the hive is fed for a few days as they become acquainted with their new surroundings and locate natural food sources – our optional feeder & nuc extension (below) is ideal for this.


HIGHEST-QUALITY MATERIALS & EXPERT CRAFTSMANSHIP ensure you enjoy many years of service and features honed from our years of real-world beekeeping

  • Brood box is made from CDX exterior sheathing, and all exterior-facing components are treated with Thompson's best waterseal – most of our production nucs are now over 5 years old, and still are good as the day we began using them! Reducing moisture inside a nuc or hive is key, so we take extra precautions.

  • Though painted or galvanized-clad outer-covers would be cheaper and easier, we use heavy-gauge aluminum to cover ours to provide better wear & weather resistance, as well as to better insulate the colony from harsh temperatures

  • Only hand-selected components are used to build our nucs, which are then assembled with perfectly-matched edges & corners to help ensure the integrity of each piece, and provide the best environment for your bees

complete set-up

Everything you need for your first hive or adding to your established apiary!

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Established, healthy colonies

  • Queen & all her own brood taken straight from proven 2021 production hives

    • Only healthy, over-wintered queen and brood are used, ready to explode this spring for a vibrant, populous colony in no time!

  • Poised for immediate build-up; all nucs contain:

    • Bees, and lots of 'em – queen, workers, and drones 

    • 1-3 frames of capped brood, larvae, and or eggs

    • 1-3 resources (capped honey, nectar, and pollen)

    • Maximum 1 frame bare or just started foundation to allow sudden expansion

  • Mix of highly-producing Italian & Carnolian breeds

    • Calm, easy demeanor

    • Super honey producers

    • Rapidly adjust brood populations as resources change

  • Certificate of inspection from the Alabama Department of Agriculture, Apiary Division 

    • Something you should insist-upon regardless of wherever you buy your nucs or package bees, to help ensure they are disease and pest-free!).

  • All colonies treated for Varroa mites within 90 days of delivery

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Included with every nuc:

  • Brood box with additional weather-proofing and an added functional grip on the front and back of the nuc box for easy of transportation

  • 5 deep Langstroth frames, using wired-wax foundation, perfect for harvesting honeycomb.

  • Inner cover with over-sized pest-proof vents. The

    double screen allows ventilation & reduces the access of pests on one side, and on the other, the screen is to prevents your honeybees from propilizing the vent shut.

  • Aluminum-clad outer cover for better temperature control & years of service

  • Entrance reducer with reversable design to reduce or completely cover the entrance when moving your nuc box

  • Removable vent prop for controlling the level of airflow through the nuc.

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Optional feeder and nuc extension

  • Inner cover as above, but with quart-jar feeder socket

  • Removable feeder plug

  • High-capacity, break-resistant, 1-quart vacuum feeder jar with feeder-hole cover

  • An extension sleeve that covers & protect your feeder and nuc

Helpful advice when you need it

Our goal is for you to be successful, so we’re here to help before and after you buy from us


We won’t leave you out in the cold.

Our goal is not only to provide the BestNucs ever to you, we’re also a resource for you to reach-out with questions and get advice for your apiary. We encourage you to reach out by calling or emailing us when you’re looking for some answers. We have several years under our belt, and want to share that knowledge with you, so you too can have thriving colonies of sweet honeybees!

  • EMAIL:

  • PHONE: 334-412-8860

  • MESSAGE BOARD: coming soon!

early availability & easy access

Get a jump on your 2022 honey production!

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Not only do we have nucs early, We’re Central Alabama for easy access on pick-up and delivery

  • Early Start to Getting Your Bees

    • Early March pick-up & deliveries – Limited quantities, so order early!

  • Convenient pick-up locations

    • Located in the heart of AL for pickup

    • Preliminary meetup points include:

      • Huntsville/Decatur , AL

      • Auburn/Opelika , AL

      • Birmingham , AL

      • Mobile/Brewton , AL

      • Meridian, MS